
Author(s): Fatih TÄ°YEK

The process which began with the discussion whether it is allowable or not to translate it into another language has continuoed in terms of the aim of the transmission of the Koran and the mission of the translation. The allowance discussions involving all of the languages have been made for Turkish too. Both these allowance discussions and the anxiety and the sense that the Koran, which the human beings haven't been able to bring the same as in terms of wording and meaning, cannot be translated completely and perfectly played a directive role on those inclining this work. So, these anxieties and the necessity of translation of the Koran have people force solution seeking. As a result of this, as a solution, saying meaning to the translations of the Koran and defensing the Koran cannot be translated literally turned into a precedent and this precedent has reached today. But when we look at the examples of practice, it is not possible to say these precedents haven't contributed to a true translation of the Koran. So, it is necessary to put the translations of the Koran into a system which has theoretical and practical consistency.


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