
Author(s): Buse ERZEYBEK

Problems encountered in daily life greatly affect the social skills of individuals and also the duration of the individuals' exposure to the problem, limits their capacity. Approaches and solution processes of individuals are shaped according to their cognitive, emotional and behavioral characteristics. In this context, the most important task to improve self esteem and sustaining self indepency of women’s who are staying at woman shelter, is helping them to develop their problem solving skills. With group work they also learn to evaluate their problems from different perspectives and feel encouraged besides individual support. The aim of this study is to strengthen the women in the shelter and to improve their problem-solving skills, where the shelter in Northern Cyprus, Nicosia Turkish Municipality, provides services with very little capacity and expert support. The Social Problem Solving Inventory was applied before and after the group study, and the effects of the seven week group study were evaluated. 4 of the 5 women developed problem-solving skills visibly and cognition, emotion and behavior were more balanced than before in their approach to the problem.


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