
Author(s): Yusuf ESMER

Entrepreneurship is considered as one of the basic building blocks of the economy in economic growth, development, employment and development and raising the level of social welfare. Entrepreneurship is one of the most important production factors and can be expressed as the locomotive of the economy. Entrepreneurship is the organization of production factors such as labour force, nature, capital, technology and knowledge. Entrepreneurship should be given sufficient importance and supported. Therefore, the government supports young entrepreneurs with grants and incentives in order to revive the economy and create new business areas. In addition, it is seen that scientific studies about entrepreneurship are supported by various institutions and organizations. In addition, in various departments of universities where vocational higher education is given, entrepreneurship trainings are compulsory in the scope of Applied Entrepreneurship course and the successful students are supported financially. In this context, it is aimed to determine the entrepreneurship profiles of the students studying in vocational schools that provide education and training services for the employment of intermediate staff. For this purpose, data were collected by using questionnaire technique from 45 students studying in the Health Institutions Management Program at Sinop University Vocational School and attending Entrepreneurship in Health Sector course . Entrepreneurship Test developed by Small and Medium Industry Development Organization was used for data collection. In this test, there are 25 questions to measure students' entrepreneurship tendency. The data obtained from the research were analysed in SPSS 22.0 program to determine the entrepreneurship tendencies of the students. As a result of the research, it was determined that there are entrepreneurial spirited students in vocational schools that provide education at associate degree level. This study is important in determining the entrepreneurial aspects of students in vocational schools so that they can be guided.


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