Author(s): Fatih ARICI
There are 48 village which depend on district that town of Tortum forms county seat in administrative structure. In these settlements, Baba?, Pehlivanl?, Serdarl? and enyurt are village with organized municipalities. But, according to “Metropolitan Municipality Law No. 6360”, it was decided to become a neighborhood depending on Tortum, by closing of the municipalities in this settlement. After this decision, in this area would predict to have some problems on the subject of making use of municipality services. So, some ideas were put forward about the fact that their village needs to be colligation to district of Uzundere which is on the closer location for themselves.
The aim of this research is to examine in detail to trade and serv?ce relationship be?ng with superstructure central of these three settlements and to determine centre that the settlements will have the best service. And also, our aim is to redetermine the hierarchy in the area and develope proposal about what kind of investments can be done or how the problems can be solved with precautions in the cases structure center has problem to provide a service.
The Journal of International Social Research received 8982 citations as per Google Scholar report