Author(s): Zehra SEVÄ°M
Undoubtedly, media is one of the concepts that have an important place in the social practices of individuals. Because the fact that human being is a social being brings about the fact that he is always in contact with his environment. At this point, the media affects the communication of the individual with his / her environment in written, verbal or visual form. Within the social structure, media shows its presence in many areas from family to politics, from education to art, and in a sense it is more or less influential on social structure. This is precisely why the topic of the media has recently been discussed and researched in the social sciences. In this study, first the concept of media will be explained, then the effects of the media on social memory will be evaluated theoretically and finally the role of social media will be touched on the transformation power of the media.
The Journal of International Social Research received 8982 citations as per Google Scholar report