Author(s): Leyla SENER
16th century is the time of activities of Maxim Grek andtheothertranslator’saroundhim. ReligiouswriterandthinkerMaxim Grek whowascanonisedbyorthodoxchurchbecameone of themostimportantpersonalities of Russian culturalhistorybyway of his translationsand his ideasabouttranslation. InRussia, Maxim Grek not onlyengaged in translationactivities but also he expressed his opinionsaboutvariousreligiousandpoliticalsubjectsvia his writings. M. Grek’sbehaviourand his discoursesaboutreligiousandpoliticalevents in thegovernmentcaused a badattitudewhich in progress of a time wouldbecomehostilitytowards M. Grek bymuscovitesavants. Maxim Grek wasaccused of endamagementthebooks, usedduringthereligiousceremonybythecouncilrallied in 1525 and1531. He wasannounced as a persondamningtoreligiousbooksbychangingthemand a personagainstpriesthood. Maksim Grek dealed in translationitself, revisedandcommentedtheoldtranslationstilltheend of his life. As well as thisactivities M. Grek put forwardideasabouttranslations, furthermore he expressed his thoughts on specialitiesandduties of a translator. Grek underlinedthat a translatorshould be welleducated, it is not enoughtoknowthelanguage a translatorshouldalsoknowalltheproperties of thelanguage. Accordingto M. Gerek, translatorwhoknowsthegrammerandrhetoricshouldhavetheability of entreatingtheoriginaltextandwhileusingthemethod of metaphrase he shouldchoosedthewordsbyregardingthe sense of thetextifnecessary
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