Author(s): Mustafa ERKAN*
Hundreds of abbreviations and acronyms can be seen in daily newspapers, magazines, books, and encyclopedias, even on billboards. Abbreviations are part of our life and culture. Various fields of activity, such as stock markets, logistics, maritime, trade, transportation, health; science branch of medicine, chemistry, mathematics, physics includes a large number of acronyms. In our age, advances in communication tools concluded rapid communication. At the same time, the abbreviations are also increasing rapidly. In fact, the words are shortened by omitting the vowels; the shortest route is preferred for communication. Therefore, the acronyms must provide easy communication, and must avoid confusions. The unnecessary details such as point which has no contribution should not be used at the end of abbreviations. This symbolizing does not mean that you can do anything randomly. But abbreviations issue is left uncontrolled in Turkey. It allows you to do whatever you prefer. Sometimes there is more than one abbreviation or acronym for only one concept or institutions. For example: see (bak?n?z: bak, bk, bkz, bknz), Turkey Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK, RÜTÜK, RETÜK, RTK). There are limited number of studies in this area which includes no principle, and no unity. There must be a unity about the abbreviations and acronyms as much as there is in the words. Definitions, short history, studies in Turkey, kinds and principles of acronyms and abbreviations are studied in this article
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