Author(s): Aziz Mahmut Hüdayi KAFADAR Ayşe Büşra MADENCİ Ümit SORMAZ
Regional dishes are very important for gastronomic tourism activities. The most important issue for the promotion of the regional dishes that should be prepared and presented with a certain quality and standard by taking care from preparation to presentation is accommodation and food and beverage establishments. Since it is possible to introduce the regional products to the guests coming to these establishments, the fact that the enterprises include regional dishes in their menus and preparing them in accordance with their original recipes will facilitate the promotion. However, it is seen that many accommodation and food and beverage establishments do not include regional dishes in their menus because they prefer international dishes rather than regional dishes due to reasons such as construction difficulties, cost burden and lack of personnel. Most of the establishments that includeregional dishes in their menus show that only a few of the most known dishes of that district or region are included in the menu. Due to this situation, the presentation of the regional dishes cannot be done sufficiently. This research; The purpose of this study was to determine the status of the regioanl dishes in the menus of the accommodation and food and beverage establishments operating in the city center of Konya and to determine the methods that the enterprises follow in the menu planning. Questionnaire method, one of the quantitative data collection techniques, was applied in the study. Within the scope of the research, it was found that the enterprises included some of the regional dishes, updated their menus every 6 months and the menus were determined according to the requests of the business managers. In addition, it was found that the local food income of the enterprises was high and that the guests coming from outside the city preferred the local food frequently. In this context, it is recommended that businesses should include local dishes more frequently in their menus and work with related institutions in the region regarding the preparation, service and standards of regional dishes. In line with these propositions; regional food promotion and increase in regional food revenues, regional food festivals, seminars and trainings supported by accommodation and food businesses will reveal the cultural importance of regional food.
The Journal of International Social Research received 8982 citations as per Google Scholar report