
Author(s): Dr. M. Akif KILAVUZ

One of the most controversial issues in Turkey is the question of religious education. The reason is clear; while the state has a secular structure, the overwhelming majority of the population is Muslim and their religious needs must be met. Because of this irony, religious education has become a serious question in the history of the Republic of Turkey. While at some times it is strictly forbidden, at others it is left free. But the state has always held it under its control. However, while religious teaching in the schools has been continuously changed since the establishment of the Republic, the Qur’anic Courses have never been closed. They have even been supported by the state itself. This article, first, examines the place of Qur’anic teaching and courses in the Muslim world throughout Islamic history. Second and in particular, it focuses on the historical development of the Qur’anic Courses, their curriculum, and target groups in the Republic of Turkey.


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Citations : 8982

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