Author(s): Ömer Faruk ATEŞ, Saniye KÖKER
The script of animation film “Cloudywith a Chance of Meatballs” is based on a bookand it is suitabletoarchetypicalcritisism. Archetype, meaningfirstmodal, main example, has beenconnectedwithPlato’sconceptof idea andsystematizedwithstudies of analyticalpsychology, establishedbyJung. Jungatteststheexistence of a collectiveunconsciousbesidesindividualunconsciousanddescribesthiscollectiveunconscious as hereditary. Archetypes as outcomes of commonunconsciousarerevealed in myths, talesandlegends. Inthisarticle, archetypessuch as mother, anima/animus,shadeandheroarestudied.
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