
Author(s): brahim AYDIN, Yusuf ÖZTEKN

Degirmen Bogazi, a daily recreational area, is 10 km away from the centre of Bal?kesir city in the north by the Bursa highway. The resort was forested between 1957 and 1963. During the forestation period, a total of 329,741 trees were planted, composed of 51 species, 29 of which were deciduous and 22 were coniferous. After completing its infrastructure and super structure, Degirmen Bogazi became a promenade, which gave an opportunity for recreative activities for those who were stressed from urban problems especially in summers and at weekends. Another feature of the resort is that it appeals to different income level groups in Balikesir. People with higher income in Balikesir usually have summer houses in Edremit Bay (Burhaniye, Akçay, Altinoluk, Küçükkuyu and Ayvalik) and spend most of summers in these second homes and use the resort only in early spring but those with lower income cannot find the opportunity to go to coast and spend most of the summer in the resort. The resort gives opportunity for resting for almost all income groups, high or low, for students and, for government officials. Easily accessible, Degirmen Bogazi has no alternative and is visited yearly by 25 to 30 thousand people who rest and get rid of stress before they return to the city.


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