
Author(s): Sagıp ATLI

Sohbet meetings both bearer of oral traditional culture as well as a form of entertainment from the past to the present is a social organization especially during the long winter nights coming together to spend a pleasant time and provides social solidarity. Depending on over time under the influence of global and popular culture, starting to lose executive ground “sohbet meetings”, has entered the list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity in 2010. In different regions of Turkey it is known such as:“Barana, Kürsüba??, Yârân, Erfene, Ferfene, Oturak Âlemleri, S?ra Yârenleri, Oda Sohbetleri, S?ra Gecesi, Gezek, S?ra Gezmesi, Velime Geceleri (Eyvan Geceleri), Ate? Gezmesi (Birikme Geceleri), Cümbü?, Oturmah. Outside of Turkey; it is known different names such as: “Coro Bozo, Ge?dek, Me?rep, Konu?ma and Muhabbet”. Depending on the region’s socio-cultural structure, applications such as executive style and spaces, entertainment elements, and rules,come up today undergoing some changes. Erfene sohbet meetings is the subject of our research, is performed in Pamukçu, is a residential of centre of Bal?kesir. After given general information about sohbet meetings in article, results of data collection and research about Erfene sohbet in Pamukçu will be discussed. Pamukçu Erfene sohbet meetings will be examined as a four titles including “The Development and Current Status of Bal?kesir Pamukçu Erfene Sohbet Meetings”, “General Characteristics of Bal?kesir Pamukçu Erfene Sohbet Meetings”, “The Executive Order of Bal?kesir Pamukçu Erfene Sohbet Meetings’’ and “Functions of Bal?kesir Pamukçu Erfene Sohbet Meetings”. In the second title the members of meetings and management structure, conditions of participation, rules, venues, seating arrangements, time, meeting types, clothing, etiquette, table manners and fines will be evaluated. In the conclusion part of the article, the findings obtained as a result of assembly,research and investigation will be included.


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  • The Journal of International Social Research / Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi ISSN: 1307-9581, an international, peer-reviewed, on the web publication, from 2007 will be issued least four times annualy.
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