
Author(s): Tuğçe KOÇ, Levent DENİZ

In this study which is a comparison type of relational survey model aimed to state the level of self efficacy beliefs of secondary and high school math teachers for their special field competencies and whether there is a differentiation according to various variables. This research was conducted in Istanbul with 59 different schools including 379 mathematics teachers in 2016-2017 academic year. Mathematics Teaching Self Efficacy Belief Scale consisting of 7 subscales developed by Deniz ve Koç (2020) was used in order to collect the data. According to the results found out the scale, math teachers are; generally ‘efficient’, ‘quite efficient’ in plan and implementation subscale, ‘efficient’ in inclusive students-gifted and talented students and use of technology subscales, ‘less efficient’ in professional development subscale, ‘moderate efficient’ in extracurricular activities and math history subscales. In total of the scale; although there is no significant differences between variables and their self efficacy, significant differences were observed on some subscales. According to the results of this research, some recommendations were provided for the researchers and Ministry of National Education of Turkey (MEB).


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