Author(s): İlyas ÜSTÜNYER
Within the written literary history of Georgia, that covers at least 1500 years, Georgian literature had interrelations with world literature. The first written work of Georgian literature called Martyrdom of the Holy Queen Shushanik by ?akob Tsurtaveli backs to 5th century A.D. Martyrdom of the Holy Queen Shushanik reflects deep interrelations between Georgian and Armenian, Persian and Arabic culture and literature. The geographic location of the Georgia and the other factors played decisive role in the establishment of literary relations of Georgia with the world literature. In the 20th century Georgian literary critics and experts investigated the interrelations of Georgian literature with the world literature and they published the findings of their investigation in different platforms. One of the platforms was the 7 decked compilations called Literary Relations (??????????????????????) that had published between 1965-1978 years in Georgia. During mentioned period of time, 82 writers from different countries had published 148 articles on literary interrelations between Georgian and world literature in the mentioned compilations. 83 articles were written in Russian, whereas 67 articles in Georgian. The titles and authors of the articles have potential to reflect the process that Georgian literature has passed till 1978.
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