
Author(s): Seda SEVGİLİ KOÇAK** Adnan KAN

Abstract Nowadays, the importance of gifted children has been recognized and the studies conducted for them have gained momentum. During primary school, these children are identified and provided to attend Science and Art Centers. However, when the literature is examined, it is seen that there are different findings regarding the characteristics of gifted children. It is considered that there is a need for studies on the characteristics of gifted individuals in order to understand them better. In this study, it is aimed to examine the opinions of mothers on the characteristics of gifted children. The descriptive survey model was used. The mothers of 8 gifted students attending Ankara Polatl? Atatürk Primary School in the 2017-2018 academic year constitute the study group. A semi-structured interview form was used to get the parents' opinions. Descriptive statistics were used in the research. The data were categorized under 10 headings. These titles; personal characteristics, social characteristics, mental characteristics, infancy and early childhood, physical characteristics, personality traits, moral characteristics, other traits, education and the expectation from the school and parents' guidance service. It has been concluded that some students have difficulty in terms of their mental characteristics but socially. Expectations from the school guidance service are group and individual psychological counseling and guidance activities for students to use their potential better, to express themselves, to be courageous and confident. All results were discussed by taking the literature into consideration. Suggestions were made for the application and advanced research


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