Author(s): Cemali Sarı* and AyÅ?e Ulusoy Derin
In this study, it is aimed to analyze bibliometrically the postgraduate theses written between 2010-2020 in the field of ecotourism. In the study, theses were examined in terms of year of publication, genre, university, department and data collection method. Statistical analyzes were used in the study and content analysis method was used. In this context, postgraduate theses registered on the official website of the National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education were examined in terms of some bibliometric features. These postgraduate theses were scanned with the keywords "ecotourism" and "eco tourism". As a result of the scanning, a total of 80 graduate theses, which were registered with the keywords "ecotourism" and "eco tourism", were reached. Of these, 63 are master's theses and 17 are doctoral dissertations. As a result of the research, it was revealed that the majority of theses were prepared in 2016 and later. In addition, it was understood that the theses were prepared in the Institutes of Social Sciences, Sciences and Educational Sciences of 33 different universities. With the study, it was noted that the share of the ecotourism concept in the ecotourism department, which is parallel to its name, is not the department with the highest number of theses compared to other disciplines, contrary to what is thought. The rate of theses prepared in the geography (10) department is 12.5. The fact that the geography department ranks 4th among other departments according to the theses in the research shows that it cannot be thought that the subject of ecotourism is independent from geography and has no relevance.
Within the scope of the study, many different situations have been put forward regarding the graduate theses prepared in the field of ecotourism.
The Journal of International Social Research received 8982 citations as per Google Scholar report