
Author(s): Esra ENGİN, E. Deniz KAÇMAZ, Merve UĞURYOL

Existentialismlaysitsfoundationover the struggle to understandpeople and comprehenditsexistence. People bothwish to exist and feelanxiouswhentheyconfrontwhattheirexistencebringsalong. Yalom states in thisconfrontationpeoplegothroughconflicts of death, freedom, isolation and mindlessness. Profession of nursing, relying on people as in existentialism, is closelyrelated to thesefourultimateconcerns. Nursesalso put up a struggle for existence of theirprofession, as well as feeling the existentialconcernsexperienced by boththemselves and individualstheygivecare. Inorder to exist as a profession, nursesareexpected to knowtheirownprofessionalpolicies, haveautonomy, ownprofessionalknowledge, study in highereducationinstitutions and supportprofessionalassociation. Anotherfactorhaving an impact on the existence of nursing is gender. Social rolesleadnursing to be regarded as a profession for females. However, it is ruledoutthatthereshould be nogenderdiscrimination in a caregivingorientedprofession. Existence of nursing is threatened as it is the professionthat is mostfrequentlysubjected to violentassaultscarriedoutagainsthealthprofessionals. Nursesarerequired to work in a safeenvironment in order to provide a qualitycaregiving. Finally, it is considered in thisstruggle for existencenursesneed to questiontheirexistence, and takeresponsibilitiesnecessary to continueexisting.


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  • The Journal of International Social Research / Uluslararası Sosyal AraÅŸtırmalar Dergisi ISSN: 1307-9581, an international, peer-reviewed, on the web publication, from 2007 will be issued least four times annualy.
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