
Author(s): Tugba AYDIN OZTURK

The footsteps of modernization in Turkish civilization history reaches back to Tulip Era. Ottoman Empire had been legated many cultural, artistic, historical, sacred heritage that has impacts on people’s lifestyles.By 19th century, the West had been taken an example even imitated by The ottoman empire.After foundation of the Turkey Republic westernization process had been heighten to international levels. National vision movement or conservative democracy has emerged during the multi-party system and became hegemonical after 2000’s. This ideologic expression has reflected itself on every aspect of live especially on art and culture.

The center right ideology which has strengtened via Democrat Party during 1950’s and Justice Party during 1960’s, highlighted politic islamic movement via National Regularity Party during 1970’s. The National vision which was an anti western movement at first and still caring conservationalism the most has evolved during this 50 years process has been supported by liberality as a result of globalization.


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