Diplomatic Tradition in the Ottoman State in 15th-18th Centuries and the Status of Bursa Regarding the Provisioning of Envoys


Author(s): Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ömer DÜZBAKAR

Envoys are no doubt the most important agents in running international relations. The rights granted, and the respect paid, to them in countries to which they have been sent off on mission are in a sense the indicator of good relationships existing between these states and their states of origin. In this short study, the Ottoman diplomatic tradition has been mentioned. A number of examples concerning the provisioning of Ottoman embassies have been presented from the first-hand archival sources such as the Shari’a Court Records of Bursa, the Bursa Register and the Imperial Notebooks of Importance published so far. In converting the dates from Muslim Lunar into the Gregorian calendar, a date conversion guide at the official website of the Turkish Historical Society ( has been used.


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