Author(s): Sevgi ELVERDÄ° Hayriye ATÄ°K
Economic growth is the increase in the amount of goods and services produced within a country during a determined period. In a country where wealth increased with economic growth; foreign dependency decreases; employment level is rises; country individuals whose income levels increase, reach a higher standard of living and can be more productive. Countries growing economies also have a voice in world diplomacy and play an important role in global decisions. Therefore, economic growth is one of the main targets of every country. At this point, the elements that will encourage economic growth come to the fore. One of these elements is “entrepreneurship”. Entrepreneurship plays an important role in ensuring and accelerating economic growth. Thus, in this study, the effect of entrepreneurship on economic growth will be investigated. The aim of the study is to measure the contribution of the entrepreneurship indicator to economic growth. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique, which is a multivariate statistical method, was preferred to measure this contribution. The analysis consists of 2018 data of 22 European and North American countries included in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). According to the analysis findings, entrepreneurship affects economic growth positively and strongly. The results are consistent with empirical literature and demonstrate the importance of entrepreneurship factor in economic growth.
The Journal of International Social Research received 8982 citations as per Google Scholar report