
Author(s): Şehriban KOCA

This study was conducted to determine the perspectives of preschool children towards music and music activities. In this study, qualitative research open-ended sensory interview technique was used. The study group consisted of 52 children, 60-72 months old, attending a kindergarten in the city center of Mersin in 2016. The data obtained from the research were analyzed by using descriptive analysis technique. The data obtained as a result of the research was arranged by taking into consideration the questions used in the interview process. The data recorded in the voice recorder was then written into the document. In this study, direct quotations have been tried to increase reliability. According to the results of the research, all children stated that they liked music. The majority of the children (f = 24) who participated in the study expressed the music as singing. The musical instrument known to the majority of children (f = 32) has been drums. As a result of the research, it was seen that the most liked music activities of children were singing (f = 21) and rhythm activities (f = 10). Preschool children stated that the music activities they performed most in their classes were singing (f = 20), and play-dance (f = 10). The findings of the study were discussed and recommendations were made in the light of the literature


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