Author(s): Uğur YILDIRIM, Zehra GÜL, Soner AKIN, Hüseyin ÇİFTÇİOĞLU
As is seen in the process of development and improvement steps of world, the local government perspective along with the globalization was begun to paid high attention. The Local governments which emphasizes supplying the social needs in an effective, productive and congruent way, is also given particular importance by European Union (EU). Higher qualified, effective and enriched performance by local governments is based on the radical improvements among them. EU supports those improvements via the binding articles of EU level agreements and various inducements. Local governments also have critical roles on informing local socities about new laws, economic and social changes which come though EU membership as well. Indeed, they are the nearest units for local socities and corporate bodies at local. Parallel to this, the aim of this study is to measure how municipality council members shaped their perspectives upon EU local governments and accept those norms within EU full integration via membership. Besides, the common thought of local governments about full membership for EU was tried to be revealed. Kahramanmaras Metropolitan Municipality Council Members were taken as population, and then 61 council members were chosen as a sample in order to perform a questionnaire study which was prepared according to the related literature. This study is composed by related sub sections, firstly the conceptual framework about EU, local governments and Turkey were paid attention, then in the following chapters the concepts as autonomy, globalization were discussed. In the latest chapters the results of applied study were explained. The obtained results were also discussed according to EU local government understanding, Turkish local governments’ perspective and needed analysis by SPSS package software.
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