Author(s): Ahmet ARSLAN* and Esra CIKMAZ
With the effect of globalization, new management approaches are seen in public institutions, private and other institutions. Within the framework of these insights, a suitable ground should be established for an effective and efficient business environment. Setting out with the aim of eliminating the existence of the conflict environment seen in institutions supports new understandings. In this context; In institutions that feel less psychological pressure, it is thought that with the regular and effective regulation of social relations, employees doing their jobs with pleasure and thus increasing their motivation, more output will be obtained with existing inputs and more effective and efficient use of resources will be provided.
In this study; It is aimed to determine the social and economic effects of mobbing in institutions. For this, a general evaluation has been made based on the results obtained from similar national and international scientific studies on the social and economic effects of mobbing. Solution suggestions for these studies have been compiled. In the study, based on similar studies, new solution suggestions have been presented by making use of these solution suggestions. In addition, as a result of the studies carried out, some recommendations and solutions were offered to reduce the negative costs of social and economic mobbing in institutions.
The Journal of International Social Research received 8982 citations as per Google Scholar report