
Author(s): Gökhan GENÇ, Semra Arslan SELÇUK, Figen BEYHAN

The notion of biophilia is explained as an innate emotional proximity of a person to life in nature. This hypothesis claims that human is instinctively being connected to all other living systems. This concept which can be questioned in many scientific fields related to human beings is discussed in different platforms in the field of architecture as well. Biophilic design in architecture can be expressed as a design that enable human-nature interaction in the built environments and sustaining the beneficial effect of nature. Besides the designs of the modern world with biophilic approaches, it is possible to see the elements of biophilia in the designs of historical buildings that constitute of our cultural heritage. It can be assert that if 'soul and expression' can be described as one of the original values of historical buildings, it is one of the characteristics that reveals the spirit of the biophilic elements in these structures. For this reason, the ability to ascertain these features is a sign of the authenticity values that must be preserved as well as historical inspiration as a source of inspiration for modern designers. In this context, the study of what the historical biophilic properties might be like and how to re-visit it is investigated by the example of Tokat Mustafa A?a Bath which is a Seljuk Bath. The parameters seen in the Mustafa Aga Baths of the 14 basic biophilic parameters defined in the literature are discussed in the light of experiences and visions. As a result, Mustafa Aga Bath has been found containing many biophilic compounds with healing properties that will have potentials to enrich architecture of today.


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  • The Journal of International Social Research / Uluslararası Sosyal AraÅŸtırmalar Dergisi ISSN: 1307-9581, an international, peer-reviewed, on the web publication, from 2007 will be issued least four times annualy.
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