
Author(s): Erol ÇETİN

There are several factors that threaten subjectivity according to Kierkegaard. The chief factors are the era, press, public and the loss of subjectivity. According to him, these are the factors that threaten and even destroy the subjectivity of the individual. He thinks that the era in which he lives destroys the existential dimensions of man for the sake of speculative thought and objectivity. Although the era that he described as being devoid of calling and spirit seems to know everything, actually it does not know anything. Kierkegaard thinks that it is aimed to build a society whose subject and actor is anonymous and as a result no one takes responsibility. When we consider that press, public, television, Internet, social media, smart phone etc. cause fatal damage to the existential values of human beings in today’s world, we can see that Kierkegaard was right in his previous criticism on the era, press, public and becoming ordinary.


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