
Author(s): VOLVING IN, Erdal ÇETİN, Zahir KIZMAZ

This study handles the child agitators who involve in the actions related to PKK organisation. The aim of the study is to analyze what kind of profile the children involving in massive actions have and variances related to those children’s taking part in these actions. As a part of the study, with 103 children, who were taken into custody in Batman between the years 2009-2011, interviews were had and to the children who were interviewed a questionnaire from was conducted. Some basic findings that the study detected can be stated like this: ?t was specified that the ones who participated in the actions were in the 12-15 age range, to a consideralde extent they acted i common with their campeers 23 % of the children who were taken into custady arrested, 17,5 % of them were condemned. Besides indications were acquired on thet, 63,1 % of the families those children belong immigrated from other settlements to Batman cty particularly between the years 1990-1995, between the family members or relatives of children participated in the events there are a large number of member arrested, notably for political reasons, were condemned, attended the illegal organisation and exposed to indetermined cases. Moreover wearing arrestment or convicted children participating in the actions determined that more radicalized. It’s estimatied that on children’s radicalization and obtaining a political identity, reasons like PKK organisation and its component come from a family history of actively supporting it, being in close contact with peers who sympathize with the organisation, high ratings in the massive media controlling by PKK having a history of arrestment are influential.


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  • The Journal of International Social Research / Uluslararası Sosyal AraÅŸtırmalar Dergisi ISSN: 1307-9581, an international, peer-reviewed, on the web publication, from 2007 will be issued least four times annualy.
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