
Author(s): Nurcan AVSIN

The aim of the study that contains Göksu River Valley between Mut and Silifke is to determine response of the river to Quaternary environmental and structural changes. For this purpose the geomorphological forms in the valley (river terraces, alluvial fans, river channel, floodplain) are mapped, the sedimentological-stratigrafical and chronological characteristics are investigated, and finally geomorphology map is created. In the valley 16 alluvial terrace levels are detected. While the terrace levels between S16-S8 have fluvial deposits, the terraces between S7-S1 are flats without fluvial deposits. In the field, sedimentological-stratigrafical characteristics of the S14 and S16 terraces are analyses. OSL dating ananlysis of the S16 terrace is carried out. According to this, the age of the S16 terrace level is 160.000-225.000 ka BP. In accordance with oxygen isotope chronology this result shows that the river accumulated sediments in interglacial period of MIS 7. The valley erosion rate of Göksu River in last 160.000 ka is 0.16 mm/year. As a result the Göksu River valley (with its terrace sequence, low braided channel pattern, point bars and the other morphological forms) is effected considerably by the Quaternary environmental changes. Uplift induce to form of the valley and local faults effects river channel especially. Climatic changes effects to form of terrace levels and terrace deposits.


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