Author(s): Gülsemin HAZER
The authorship journey of Peride Celâl who was one of the female authors of the Republic period began with the story titled “Ak K?z” that was published in Yedigün journal in 1935. In the first period of her artistic life, the author who wrote adventure-intensive romance novels moved away from romantic atmosphere of romance novels in time.
In Kurtlar novel which is regarded as a significant phase in novelty path of Peride Celâl, secondperson narrator is used. The mental process of the protagonist is transferred through narrator expression which addresses to the protagonist by “you”. This narration type which leads to an extraordinary consciousness presentation in the novel proceeds through the self-discourses of narrator and the one who experiences.
This study makes effort to investigate the Kurtlar, which is a characteristic novel based on the narrator type and narration and expression methods, in terms of the narrator type and conscious presentation of the protagonist. In this novel including various narration methods, free and direct narration methods’ contribution into the conscious presentation was analyzed and it was tried to reveal and evaluate the narration design of the fictional universe.
The Journal of International Social Research received 8982 citations as per Google Scholar report