Author(s): Mustafa AKMAN
Mûsâ Kâz?m Efendi is a person worked on numerous political and managerial duties in the high grades of the government and had known with his scientific personality. He got out of stereotyped mentality and started to search in kelam and philosophy and social sciences. So had a significant place in the world of "idea and literature". It was a assertion about Mûsâ Kâz?m who attended to party of ?ttihat and Terakki after constitutional monarchy that was a mason. As mystical he was in Nak?i-Halidi way and in sect he was Ekberi namely in way of Ibn-i Arabi. He had eclectic ideas. He neglected his ideas in tasavvuf when he spoke in kelam and vice versa. Mûsâ Efendi translated the book (Mebde and Mead-Zevra and Hevra) of Celaleddin ed-Devvani which includes his ideas in kelam and philosophy to ottoman language. When he translated this book which gives informations about metaphysics issues to name a few Vahdet-i Vücûd, Hakîkat-? Muhammediyye, talked about his ideas also with his footnotes.
The Journal of International Social Research received 8982 citations as per Google Scholar report