
Author(s): Dr. Ahmet GÜNEN

Besides Dîvânu Lûgati’t-Türk includes the initial samples of Turkish language and literature, it is one of the fundamental works of Turkship from the point of reflecting high Turkish culture and civilization. In this study, it is aimed to search the reflections or the traces of Turkish economic life, contribute to Turkish economic life with obtained language materials, and also attract the attention to Dîvânu Lûgati’t-Türk on this view. Therefore, firstly scanning Dîvânu Lûgati’t-Türk line by line, all words, idioms, proverbs, couplets, and written-in-verse components reflecting Turkish economic life of its age have been indexed and listed in itself. According to the findings, it is understood that the Turks were the harvester community both feeding beast herds on plateau-winter quarters tradition and making agriculture on fertile lands.But on the other hand, it is understood that they were also advanced in mining, leather trade, weaving sectors etc. Also the existence of lots of words and phrases testifying the relations of Money, property based on Money, purchase-sale, trade, commission, debtor-guarantor, bribe, heritage are the other points which indicate that the economic life based on settled culture was highly active and strong. As a result, Dîvânu Lûgati’t-Türk is a great and precious work that should absolutely be treated and utilized by not only our language, culture, and literature historians, but also our economic historians.


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