
Author(s): Hakan CANDAN**Gülşah KAZAK

The purpose of this study, In order to awareness of creating urban in individuals living in cities, it is necessary to establish the neighborhood culture. For this purpose, the effects of neighborhood culture on the awareness of creating urban are investigated. At the same time, the difference between the modern neighborhood and traditional neighborhoods in terms of the formation of neighborhood culture is analyzed in the study. The study was carried out with the survey method, which is one of the quantitative research techniques, on individuals living in 5 different districts of Karaman province. As a result of analyzing the data collected from 146 inhabitants by easy sampling method by survey technique; It is determined that there is a positive (48%) moderate relationship between neighborhood culture and awareness. Results showed that there was a moderate and positive relationship (%48) between neighborhood culture and urban awareness. Variables of neighborhood culture explained 14 % variance from total variance of variables of urban awareness. In this study, urban awareness and neighborhood culture among neighborhoods were evaluated according to demographic information. The hypotheses of the study were evaluated using Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis, MANOVA and Canonical Correlation methods.


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