Author(s): Menevşe Şükran DUMAN** Aslı SARIŞAN TUNGAÇ
This study aims to investigate correlation middle school student’s academic achievement scores between Science and Scientific Implementation courses. 192 students participated this research whom studying 5, 6 and 7th grade in five different government school in Mersin city. Relational scanning model was carried out. Kolmogrov-Smirnov normality test was applied on obtained data. After determining normal distribution of data, Spearman-Brown parametric analysis was conducted. Data analysed by SPSS 22.0 package program. Besides correlation of students academic achivement scores between Science and Scientific Implementations lessons, it was also investigated that variation depending gender and grade on academic achievement levels. According to analysis results, it was determined statistically positive and meaningful relationship between Science and Scientific Implementation academic achievement scores (r=0.760, p<.01). Considering coefficient of determination (r2=0.57), it can be said Scientific Implementation lesson is approximately 60% effective on total variance of Science lesson’s academic achievement score. Compared to the grade levels, fifth grade student’s correlation coefficient found as r5=0,715, sixth grade student’s correlation coefficient r6=0,845 and seventh grade student’s correlation coefficient r7=0.715. Results shows high correlation among Science and Scientific Implementation lessons in fifth and sixth grade. In seventh grade it can be seen medium correlation level between two lesson’s academic achievement scores.
The Journal of International Social Research received 8982 citations as per Google Scholar report