
Author(s): Emre Hastaoglu*

Marinating is the technique of treating meats with various techniques and materials for various periods of time, especially in order to improve their sensory and physical qualities and to extend their shelf life. By this technique, different flavors and textures can be prepared in restaurants and food and beverage businesses, and these meats can be made more valuable and more acceptable. In this study, sensory analyzes of the samples that were marinated with different marination solutions by immersion method and these samples cooked with charcoal fire and non-oil grilled technique were carried out. The findings obtained from the samples whose sensory analyzes were made were ranked by Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). In this study, in which important sensory parameters such as flavor, appearance, smell and juiciness were compared, 4 different sensory parameters of 9 samples at 7 different levels were compared with the SAW technique. When the findings were examined, the sensory parameters of the marinated meat samples were found to be higher than the nonmarinated control sample, and it was observed that the sensory properties of the meat samples improved and their general acceptability increased when the meat samples were marinated. According to the simple additive weighting scores, the T4 sample, cooked in a pan with a score of 0.1273 and containing balsamic vinegar, onion juice, lemon juice, thyme, red pepper powder and bay leaf, was the most popular sample. The least liked sample was the control sample cooked without marinating with a score of 0.0877.


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