
Author(s): Altan DOĞAN** Onur Hasan ÖZGÜN*** Rıza DEMİR**** Erman TÜRKMEN

In the study, the attitudes of university students towards career counseling were examined and it was tried to determine whether there is a relationship between these attitudes and the self-esteem levels of the students. In addition, determining the attitudes of students towards career counseling according to their socio-demographic qualities (age, sex, department, class, etc.) and whether their self-esteem has differentiated constitute the sub-purpose of the research. A total of 566 students from different faculties participated in the research. The data were analyzed in the SPSS 24.0 program. As a result of the research, it was found that the concept of career counseling was not known by the majority of the students and that the student received career counseling service in a very small amount; It was determined that students' self-esteem levels were high and their attitudes towards career counseling were positive and there was a meaningful and positive relationship between self-esteem levels of students and attitudes towards career counseling. In addition, the attitudes of the students in the business administration faculty, the girl students and the students who want to get career counseling service in the future are more positive for career counseling; The positive attitudes of the students towards career counseling decreased and the self-esteem of the female students were found to be higher than the male students


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