
Author(s): Zafer BALPINAR

This study deals with Israel’s doctrine of purity of arms that nestles a religious-historical-culturel-traditional ground, and that reveals Israel Defence Forces’ ethic and moral values regarding use of armed force. Before yielding up the doctrine, the Judaic terms of peace, war, self-defence and use of force which the doctrine is placed upon are tackled in context of The Old Testament and Talmud to the extent that they can construct a sufficient infrastructure for introducing and explaining the doctrine. Starting from this ground, it is reached to the doctrine of purity of arms through the term of self-restriction. Doctrine’s emergence and formation are reviewed in process of pre and post state periods. Objections and disapprovals against the doctrine are emphasized. In conclusion section, it is given an analitical discussion and evaluation concerning the doctrine. Ultimate goal of this study is to contribute to comprehend and explicate Israel’s security understanding which has been identified by use of military force.


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