
Author(s): Resul BAĞI

Christianity is one of the monotheistic religions that basically believes in revelation and sacred books. The Christian religion covers a period of 20 centuries and the holy book of this religion is the Bible. Christianity is derived from the Greek word “khristanos” which means Jesus. Social and cultural changes on a global-local scale have begun to emerge more prominently in the process of globalization. Accordingly, it is possible to see changes not only in the secular but also in religious fields in music practices. The practice of music, which is called contemporary worship music, describes the forms and styles of popular music in Christianity. The subject of this study consists of Christians who do not belong to any sect or church and Christians are those who change their religion in Kayseri. In addition the study, popular music practices of the church, which is composed of Christians who are citizens of African countries, will be examined. In this church called Nonsecterion Church, the music practices of all religious rituals, especially Sunday rites, are performed by the Rainbow Choir. They realized their own musical culture within the worship event of the Anatolian Christian Association, where they felt spiritual commitment by performing contemporary worship style in church rituals. In this study, theoretically, the music practices, formation of the ensemble and music of the Gökku?a?? Choir within the Kayseri Nonsecteron Church will be examined with the theory of the invention of tradition.


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  • The Journal of International Social Research / Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi ISSN: 1307-9581, an international, peer-reviewed, on the web publication, from 2007 will be issued least four times annualy.
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