
Author(s): Banu Hatice GÜRCÜM, Özge KILIÇ

Since the existence of the education system, just social structure, in the structure of information, technology as, traditional learning approaches and styles changed and transformed in education because of the individual and social needs. Traditional learning approaches has left its place contemporary and learner-centred approaches. Individual differences have been one of the most important features. Individual self-recognition, discover the unique learning styles have become important art and design education such as in other areas. Unlike studies on learning, Lewin, Dewey, Piaget David A. Kolb identified learning syles; for concrete experience is “feeling”, for reflective observation is “reflecting”, for abstract conceptualization is “thinking”, for active experimentation is “acting”. On this basis it is reached Accommodating, Divergent, Assimilating and Convergent learning styles. This study is a descriptive research designed as a survey method and the aim of this research determine effective learning styles of students in Gazi University, Art and Design Faculty, Textile Design Department between the years 2014-2015. In this research used Kolb’s Learning Styles Inventory. In the analysis of data with SPSS 18.0 programme, the most effective learning style has been detected in textile design education. As a result of this research, it has been found that depending upon the class levels, the learning styles change from the assimilating style to the diverging learning style. Keywords: Desig


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