
Author(s): Kutay GÖKDENİZ∗ Vahap AYDEMİR

Follet’s thoughts vary with sociological aspect for administrational organisations while mainstream administrative theories established on productivity and efficiency in the early 20th Century. Both sexual discrimination and ignorance of sociological aspect of labor due to agresive industrialization environment frustrated the comprehension of her seminal approach and caused absence of close examination on her theories for a long period. Follet’s Biograpy and conditions of her period will be analysed briefly so as to understand the sociological profundity of her studies. In adition to this context of her studies should be examined generally together with exposure of Follet’s scientific method. Follet points to fundamental signification of social groups with intent to understand human activities. ?nstead of formulised patern and fixed thoughts Follet proposes general principles based on observation, experimentation, practice and discretion. Follet redefined othority and control within the scope of administrative model developed by herself. Control progress aims to guarantee the compatibility of tasks, reponsibilities, decisions and services within the framework of common project and ideal. Analysing mentioned topics will provide readibility for Follet’s theories still standing


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