
Author(s): Hanifi ASLAN

Music is a unique language, which can briefly be described as the art of explaining some of the human emotions and thoughts through harmonious sounds [human voice and/or instruments] within certain rules. This study deals with the use of music in stories by Halit Ziya and his understanding of music. The study especially focuses on such elements as composition, lyrics, music, andinstruments mentioned in the stories. In addition, the paper discusses the impact of music on the human spirit and the way the aut hor puts it in his works. Thus, Halit Ziya's music understanding has been studied.Naturally, he does not use music in every story with the same intensity and importance. Music is one of the basic elements ofthe plot in a few stories, while one story and the preface to it reveals important information about Halit Ziya's understanding of music. It is evident that the author separates music into two: Eastern or Istanbul music (local) and Western music (universal). His choice is universal music.


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