
Author(s): Mehmet AVÇİN

Fetih-name-i Yemen is a work of Fetih-name which was formed in the form of a mathnavi poem in the National Library of Vienna, the only known copy of which was preserved by Nihali in 1574. The language of work is not very heavy according to the period and tradition. As long as it is under sovereinty, Yemen, which is a scene of many riot due to its geographical structure and sectarian structure, has been always an important geography fort he Ottoman State since it is close to the Hicaz region. Despite very number of works regarding to the recent periods of Yemen, it is seen that the number of works regarding to the first periods after the conquest is limited. ?n this work that we have studied, is important in terms of containing informations about the political and social life of Yemen in XVI. century. Fetih-name is an important source in terms of history science as well as being a literary work. ?n addition to being a literary work in Fetih-name-i Yemen, it is possible to obtain quite important informations about the political history of Yemen and Zeydi riots and rioters. Nihali, the writer of work, does not have much information about in the source but it has been possible to get some information about the author with a partial examination of the work. According to these informations, our writer was an Ottoman soldier who was dwelled of many years in Yemen and grew up in Anatolia. Nihali, despite the fact that he is a soldier, can be determined from the work uses style, the strong rhythm knowledge and known the tradition of Divan poetry.


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  • The Journal of International Social Research / Uluslararası Sosyal AraÅŸtırmalar Dergisi ISSN: 1307-9581, an international, peer-reviewed, on the web publication, from 2007 will be issued least four times annualy.
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