
Author(s): Namık AÇIKGÖZ•

Prince Mustafa, the son of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, was murdered by virtue of the palace intrigues in October 6th, 1553 during an imperial campaign. The murder of the people’s beloved Prince has had great public repercussions at that time. Prince Mustafa's murder must be interpreted by public views and dirges rather than official documents. His era’s poets, namely Ta?l?cal? Yahya, Fünûnî, Sâmî, Muînî, Müdâmî, Nazmî, Hayâlî (The Son of ?brahim Gül?enî), Kâdirî, Fazlî, Rahmî, Selîmî, Âlî, Nisâyî (2 works) have written dirges on the Prince Mustafa’s murder case. It has been known that there are 15 dirges about this case and 3 of the dirges written by the the Prince Mustafa himself. It has been predicted that both the elegies written by the Prince and Ta?l?cal? Yahya’s, Nazmî’s ve Kâdirî’s dirges had been indited by the janissaries and thought to express the emotions at his time.Among the Poets, Nisâyî the Poet was a woman and that made the case quite remarkable. In other words, this case has been described not only by men’s feelings bu also a woman’s emotions and feelings.Even though some of the Poets who have written relevant dirges on that case did not witness the event, they knew the public opinion very well at the time. It could be concluded by the relevant dirges that the people loved the Prince and accepted him as an idol in many aspects. The Prince’s devotional personality, equitable, bounty, generosity and loyalty to his father, Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, have been mentioned in the dirges.


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