
Author(s): Murat Ä°NCE** Yunus TORTOP

In this study, it is aimed to determine the opinion of the people doing sports in outdoor and indoor sport centers belong to municipality of one of the district in Afyonkarahisar. Assessment and evaluation instrument is applied to 460 people using sports facilities and the equipments in these facilities belong to Afyonkarahisar Municipality. A scale about “Public’s Opinion about Sport Services of Local Authority” is applied to the participants. It consists of 4 aspects in total. These aspects are Sport Service Aspect, Sport Management Aspect, Sport Facilities Administration Aspect and Usage of Sport Facilities Aspect.With given analyses, arithmetic average and standard average are calculated. Variance analysis (One-Way ANOVA, unpaired t-test)is applied to compare the average points in the unrelated measurements. Tukey test is used to determine in which groups the significant differences happened. It is determined that there is a significant difference on behalf of women when Sport Services and Usage of Sport Facilities are compared according to the gender variable (p.05). As a result; It is determined that women are more pleased than men with sport services of municipality and the usage of sport facilities, and participants aged 18-28 found more favorable about the sport service activities of the municipality than participants aged 40-50. It is seen that participants with bachelor degree are less pleased with the activities of municipality intended for sport facilities administration than participants with primary and elementary school degree. It is specified that housewives have different ideas about sport services, sport facilities administration and usage of sport facilities in comparison with the participants with other professions and their level of satisfaction about these are high, and participants with low income are more pleased with the usage of sport facilities than participants with higher income


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