
Author(s): İ. Gülsel SEV

Cemal SÜREYA told that “...the more irrelevant the poem is to you occupation, the better for the sake of the peem”. A poet following his footsteps, originally a member of Mülkiye (Civil Service) and Board of Finance Inspectors, is Ferruh TUNÇ. He was born in Antalya, Gazipa?a, and has published 4 poem books. The name of his work published in 1955 is ?ehrin Eski Yolcusu. The book he published in 2010 namely Melez Zamanlar was awarded Behçet NECAT?G?L and Ceyhun Atuf KANSU poem prizes in 2011. Moreover, Tunç Ayna published in 2012 was considered worthy for Behçet AYSAN poem prize. His last book Bir Cümle Olmaya Geldim was published in 2017.He reflected the unsteady events of present time the effects of life to his poetry lyrically, and in order to break the monotony he used questions as technique. Questions are judgements, shortly a sentence, in other words a different way of expression, the other and of presence and absence. Questions are formed structurally in three ways in Turkish language; with copula and its question form, with question words and with intonation. In terms of function, questions can be classified as selective questions, exclamative questions, opposing questions, questions asking only a part of the sentence instead of the whole sentence, indirect questions, pronominal questions, direct questions, accepting-rejecting questions, discriminative questions, rhetorical questions, reconciliation questions, approval questions. TUNÇ, uses questions in such an effective way that it encompass all of a given poem. In his poem -Ku?u mu, mele?i mi görüyorsun? -Ku?u! / -Hümay? m?, bayku?u mu? -Bayku?u... (Gö?e Bakmak,14), he replied the poem and readers with a selective question function. Apart from his first book, which is out of print, his poem books will be utilized for the poems in which he used questions different and outstanding parts. In the study, the questions of the poet and his replies, if any, have been presented to the attentions and his style have been revealed with this regard.


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  • The Journal of International Social Research / Uluslararası Sosyal AraÅŸtırmalar Dergisi ISSN: 1307-9581, an international, peer-reviewed, on the web publication, from 2007 will be issued least four times annualy.
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