
Author(s): Engin GEZER, Fatih YENEL, Hasan AHAN

In this study, it is aimed to determine the burnout levels of academicians of BESYO (high school of physical education and sports) and its relation to personal and vocational features. The sample chosen for the research comprises 365 (285 man, 80 woman) academicians of BESYO. To find out the bornout in this research Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), developed by Maslach and Jackson 8 and adapted into Turkish by Ergin 5 was used. Personal data questionnaire, aiming to collect the academicians personal and vocational features, which was developed by the researcher was used. For data analysis, the SPSS for Windows version 11.5 and STATISTICA version 7.0 were used. Research data were analyzed by using percantages, shapiro-wilk, Mann Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis H and the Dunn test. The total average point of the burnout level was calculated; EE:1,09±0,62 D: 0,65±0,55 PA: 1,23±0,64. The results of the study indicate that, emotional exhaustion (EE) subscales scores differ according to geographical region. Personal accomplishment (PA) subscales scores differ according to age, having a managerial work, academic level and geographical region. And there was no significant differences between depersonalization (D) and personal and vocational features.


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