
Author(s): Ahmet SAĞLAM

Despite the fact that the Alt?n Orda (1241-1502) and the Mamluk State (1250-1571) were not bordering neighbors, both states developed very good relations in the strategic alliance center. In fact, in the center of these relations, primarily the center of human resource of the Mamluk system is the Alt?n Orda country. The secondly both states together fight against the common enemies The Ilkhans. The Ilkhanians have been fighting with the Mamluks for the Syrian territory and have been fighting for the Azerbaijan with the Alt?n Orda since of its foundation. These relations were crowned with a political marriage of the Mamluk Sultan’s Nas?r Muhammad with the daughter of Alt?n Orda Khan, Uzbek Khan. Thus, kinship was established and relationships brought to a higher level.


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