
Author(s): Merve GEMİKSİZ** Erdoğan TOZOĞLU***Mücahit DURSUN***

students who are being educated in Ataturk University, Kaz?m Karabekir Faculty of Education in the academic year of 2018/2019. The sample of the research is a total of 786 individuals, 476 female, and 310 male, who are studying in the Ataturk University, Kaz?m Karabekir Faculty of Education. In order to gather data in the research, “Violence Sensitivity Towards Children” scale developed by Ozyurek (2019) was used. The data gathered from the research was evaluated by using SPSS 22 package program. Before getting to analysis process, test of normality on data was conducted and it was seen that the data supports the normality hypothesis. In the analysis of the data, “Independent sample t test” was used for double comparisons while “One-way variance analysis” was used for the comparisons of more than two groups. According to the findings gathered from the data, it was seen that there is significant differentiation in the level of violence sensitivity towards children of teacher candidates and age, family structure, and class level. However it was seen that there is no remarkable differentiation in terms of sex, accommodation, and having more siblings or not at all. According to the results, it was seen that violence sensitivity towards children decreases when age and class level increases, and that those teacher candidates who have nuclear family have higher level of sensitivity.


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