
Author(s): Abdulhakim TUĞLUK

Irony is a qualified form of expression that can be actively involved in all forms of discourse.The irony we encounter in a wide range, that from the smallest ordinariness of everyday life to the highest examples of art, is the oretically divide dintomanysubheadings.One of the setitles is de romanticirony. The concept of romantic iron yappears as a term that has not been adequately studied.The romantic irony, which takes its roots from the Western literature as a term, can also be seen as an interferenceline in the narrator-text-reader triangle. The romantic irony, which is a contradiction in the perception of the narrator's voice in the text, is used more effectively in particular in the novel genre. The ‘romantic irony’, where we can find examples more frequently in the Postmodern Turkish novel, is used effectively in “My Name is Red”.In this novel, ‘romantic irony’ is manifested as an integrated form of irony with the concept of ‘play’.At the end of the novel, the narrator put in romantic irony and makes the reader both the interlocutor and the victim of irony.In this article, romantic irony examples of Orhan Pamuk's novel "My Name is Red" will be mentioned and it will be emphasized how romantic irony adds to strength the text.


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