Author(s): Ahmet AYDIN
The Sindian scholars draw attention with their scientific studies in Hicaz region in the 18th century. Common points of these names are that they are born and grew up in Sind which is one of the centers of the period and they spend their lives in the Hejaz region or have settled here and they have a scientific contacts through teacher-student associations. Sindian scholars can be identified who violently criticize each other for their deep disagreements on the subject of Islamic law. They have been influential in the establishment of scientific relations between the scholars and students and the scholarship between Hijaz and the Indian subdivisions, especially regarding the hadith. Numerous Western studies can be identified arguing that the reform movements in the 18th century arose from a network of scholars, including Sindy scholars. For example Muhammad Hayat al-Sindi (v. 1163/1749) is one of the well-known scholars of the scientific environment in which the 18th century reform movements taught in Hijaz. The founder of the Wahhabi movement, Muhammad b. Abdilvehhab (v. 1787) also learned from him. This study aims to make a small contribution towards the determination of the scientific discussions in the 18th century by focusing on the studies of Abu al-Hasan al-Sindi and his student Muhammad Hayat alSindi on the science of fiqh and hadith.
The Journal of International Social Research received 8982 citations as per Google Scholar report