
Author(s): Ali Rıza ABAY, Fatma KAHRAMAN GÜLOĞLU

Women with disabilities are more disadvantaged than men with disabilities from the point of gender. It is important in practice that women with disabilities’ situation should be addressed in basic legal texts relating to people with disabilities. The research problem of this study is “Whether women with disabilities’ multiple disadvantage is addressed on the legislation or not”. The aim of this study is to determine the importance of giving ground to the protective measures for women with disabilities who have at least double disadvantage because of both being woman and having disability in the legislation considering the social reality. In this study, the basic national legal legislation about people with disabilities are analyzed by MAXQUDA11, qualitative analysis program which is realized content analysis, in terms of gender. As a result of the study, there is inadequate situation in national legal order about people with disabilities from the point of gender emphasis except UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.


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