
Author(s): Okan SARIGÖZ Yasin ÖZKARA

Critical pedagogy, discussing issues in education, why and questioning that why acquired, with its emphasis on social justice, dealing with the capacity of individuals, which are based on social and educational equality, the problem of sociological, ideological, philosophical, is a theory in favor of addressing and freedom of political and policy direction. The purpose of this study Students studying in the education faculties of some demographic variables is to try to determine their views on critical pedagogy considering. The sample of the study, 2014-2015 academic year, 326 students are studying in the faculty of education depends on the form Hakkari University. In the study, which is one of the descriptive method 'General Scanning Model' is used. The validity and reliability study of Critical Pedagogy Principles of the 26 substances used in the research survey conducted and Cronbach's Alpha internal reliability coefficient was calculated as 0.75. Read the faculty of education according to the results obtained in the study of students, critical pedagogy in relation to the principles they have very little information, depending on the sex between boys and girls and the absence of a significant difference of opinion and conclusions were reached as the significant level of difference of opinion among the students studying in different departments.


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